App Service extending Dev/Test discounts to Premium SKUs

At Ignite, we announced the latest App Service Premium plan (Pv3) which features the latest Azure hardware, new memory configurations, GA support for Windows Container, new one and three year commitment discounts for production workloads.
For the first time we are extending our dev/test pricing discount from just App Service Basic and Standard plans to include our Premium plans as well.
Available on both Premium v2 and the new v3, the Dev/Test discount will be available on both Windows and Linux VMs. While the discount percentage for Dev/Test varies by region and OS, discounts for App Service Windows can reach up to 64%, while App Service Linux offers up to a 27% discount.
We’re listening to you, and now providing these discounts for those running mission-critical apps in dev and test environments that require VNet connections. Our premium SKUs will now enable those who are modernizing their monolithic .NET apps in Azure to access these lower rates.
Please leverage the App Service pricing page for more information, and check out our pricing calculator to discover what discounts you’re eligible for.
Learn more about App Service on our solution page.
Check out more documentation here.